Council is taking the first steps towards creation of a new strategy which supports active recreation through provision of sports facilities and infrastructure.

We're starting with surveys which seek information from the community and sports groups.

In 2021 a consultant will be engaged to consider survey results and conduct further consultation in order to develop a draft strategy. The draft strategy will be exhibited and further feedback sought on it to ensure it reflects the aspirations of our healthy and active community.

Information will be collected through methods including:

  • a survey that focuses on personal needs and requirements in relation to sports and recreation,
  • a contact form provided for people to tell us about their group, club or organisation, and
  • interactive map (see 'Mapping' tab) where you can place pins to identify facilities in the Shire you love or would like to see improved.

Get Involved

  • Use the mapping tool to identify facilities you like or need to be improved
  • Complete the community or sporting group survey by 9am Monday 1 March 2021
  • Ask a Question or see how we've responded to others

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The Project Team

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