
Bowral Memorial Hall works progress

29 October 2021

Here’s a sneak peek of works currently underway inside Bowral Memorial Hall.

You can see our contractors are well advanced with the interior removal and demolition works.

The timber flooring in the main auditorium has been removed along with all hazardous material, including lead dust and asbestos. We’ve also demolished the concrete slab and walls in the western toilet block and created new openings in the existing wall to suit the amended design.

Demolition, excavation and construction works on the 137-year old building are set to continue with new walls and the placement of concrete slabs next on the list.

On completion of this $6.5 million project, the hall will feature a new roof and lifts, upgraded kitchen and bathroom and access for all abilities. We’re also installing new air conditioning, sound, lighting and acoustic equipment.

We’re also paying special attention to the building’s original heritage façade to ensure this grand old dame of Bowral is returned to her former glory.

More recent photos can be found in the Bowral Hall Refurbishment Stakeholder Communication October 2021.