Community resilience is the sustained ability of communities to withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity.

The Australian Local Government Association Strategic Plan identifies a key priority is to support councils and communities to prevent, prepare, respond to, and recover from natural disasters and adverse events, including drought and pandemics. This is building community resilience to respond to threats and strengthen community wellbeing and connectedness.

A resilient community is socially connected and has infrastructure that can withstand disaster and foster community recovery. Resilient communities promote individual and community wellbeing and cohesiveness to strengthen their communities for everyday, as well as extreme, challenges.

To assist community in their journey to resilience, Wingecarribee Shire Council has provided a number of tools, information and resources.

Updated 21 July 2023


Open question

roxanne lillis asked

Open question

ododiaxia asked

Open question

Anthony Gemayel asked

Open question

Lynda Ballard asked

Open question

Nicky Barry asked

Open question

luhal asked

I have watched the Wingello Community Recover meeting and presenttaions by all recovery groups forming in Council. In terms of Economic Recovery, a number of artists have been impacted and supporting their ability to recover their practices, and to encourage the area as a great arts destination is vitally important - not only for the impacted the communities but the cultural wellbeing of the region as well. Please forward this email to Steve Rosa.

18 June 2020 Community Recovery Meeting

<p>Please add a question or comment below.</p><p><span class="fr-video fr-fvc fr-dvb fr-draggable" contenteditable="false" draggable="true"><iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" class="fr-draggable"></iframe></span><br></p>

SURVEY/Feedback Form | Council's response to Black Summer bushfires


A specialist risk consultant has been engaged to undertake an independent review of Council’s response following the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires.

The report will only focus on Council’s response to the bushfires. 

The purpose of this review is to ensure that should the Shire ever be faced by a similar threat we will be best prepared to respond and meet the needs of our community.

A draft report based on the feedback provided will be returned to Council by the end of July 2021.

Please provide your feedback below by (7pm Friday 9 July) 9am Monday 12 July 2021 (extended). If you're planning a lengthy response please prepare it in another document and then paste into the spaces provided to avoid time-out issues. Mac users should try using Chrome if they encounter issues. 

NOTE: All responses will be recorded in reports and publicly displayed on the website exactly as you write them (unless they are subject to moderation) and include your name and organisation (if appropriate) - unless you tell us not to. An opportunity is provided in the form to nominate the level of confidentiality you prefer.

Thinking back to the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfire period...

How were you impacted by the bushfires or involved with response and recovery? Required

Use the themed spaces provided below to describe what worked well, identify issues or challenges and make recommendations.

The purpose of this review is to ensure that should the Shire ever be faced by a similar threat we will be best prepared to respond and meet the needs of our community.

Note: The review is being undertaken to examine Wingecarribee Shire Council’s response to and recovery from the bushfires. It is not to examine emergency service responses or the State Government’s recovery arrangements.

Do you wish to keep your comments confidential? Required

Confirm attendance


Use this form to confirm your attendance for the Bushfire Recovery Community Workshops. 

I am registering for the following session Required
I will attend Required

Pledge of donated goods


Thank you for registering an item for donation to someone who was affected in the 2019/20 bushfires.

The information you provide will be managed by Wingecarribee Shire Council and shared with agencies involved in the distribution of goods and services to bushfire affected residents. Personal details will not be made public. You are not required to be registered to this site in order to complete a pledge however a name and email address will be required at a minimum. 

New or used? Required
Allowed file types: pdf,doc,docx,txt,xls,xlsx,rtf,png,gif,jpg,jpeg Size limit: 20.00 MB
Type of donation: Required

Feedback sought for Council's Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grant proposals


The Black Summer Bushfire Recovery (BSBR) Grants Program is currently open to Councils, businesses and community groups impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires. Council is requesting feedback from community on potential Council projects under the (BSBR) grant.

The BSBR grant is a program under the National Recovery and Resilience Agency aimed to support community recovery or resilience. The funding envelope allocated to the Wingecarribee is $1.6 million. Projects must address one or more of the following recovery or resilience needs:

  • social recovery and resilience
  • economic recovery and resilience 
  • recovery and resilience of the built environment 

Together with key stakeholders, Council has identified 12 projects that address recovery and resilience for our community. 

Council would like to also provide support to those community groups in our shire who are also applying. 

For more information on the BSBR grants and guidelines head to the National Recovery and Resilience Agencies website

This survey will take 5 minutes to complete.

Please provide your feedback below by 4pm Wednesday 18 August 2021

EPA bushfire generated green waste clean-up survey


Council is wrapping up the EPA bushfire generated green waste clean-up grant and would like to know how well we did and how we can improve our processes should we ever be faced with another bushfire of this scale.

Council has achieved a substantial amount of work on over 170 bushfire affected properties across the shire where the initiative managed tonnes of waste generated by the bushfires, including green waste that would otherwise present significant environmental, safety and bushfire risks.

As you were part of the Bushfire Generated Green Waste Clean-up and Processing Program and had green waste removed, we would be pleased if you could take the time to complete the following 3 minute survey.

Survey closes Monday 19 December at 10.00am

If you have any questions please contact Charlene Ferguson on 4868 0888.

In what ways did the removal of bushfire affected greenwaste assisted you? Please tick all that apply Required