Centennial Park is a beautiful green space at the heart of our community, enjoyed by families, dog owners, and sports enthusiasts alike. Located beside the Bowral Country Club Golf Course, it offers a peaceful retreat and recreational opportunities for everyone.

However, our beloved park is showing its age. The current play area, once a source of joy for generations, has become outdated and unsafe for our youngest residents. The lack of proper parking has caused damage to the park's grounds and beautiful trees, and the amenities building is no longer fit for purpose.

We understand the importance of Centennial Park to our community and are committed to revitalising this special place. Council has identified the need for significant upgrades and is developing a comprehensive plan to transform the park into a vibrant and inclusive space for everyone to enjoy.

Council has included the upgrade of the playspace in the 2024/25 Capital Works Program and determined that a Concept Masterplan be developed to guide the proposed works and upgrades at the site.

In early 2024 Council conducted community consultation as the first step in developing a Concept Masterplan for Centennial Park.

Meeting with key stakeholders from the Bowral Blues Cricket Club were held on-site, and community comments and feedback sought via a dedicated Participate Wingecarribee page, with 64 submissions received.

The themes that emerged from the community consultation included:

  • Increase in size of the dog park with improved seating
  • Improve and formalise the parking areas and access to the park
  • Upgrade of the playspace and additional features of older ages
  • Upgrade of the condition of the oval and associated amenities building.

At the conclusion of the consultation period and after a RFQ process, Sturt Noble Associates were engaged to develop the Concept Masterplan.

The Concept Masterplan has been developed through a review of the feedback received and relevant Council strategies that guide the development and implementation of community and recreational facilities within the Shire.

The Centennial Park Concept Masterplan aims to upgrade the park and playspace facilities and improve accessibility across the site.

The Centennial Park Concept Masterplan includes:

  • Provision of two surfaced car parks and accessible connection through the park facilities
  • Access path to allow patrons with a disability to access the park and cricket oval
  • Upgraded amenities building
  • Improved seating for cricket oval spectators
  • Upgraded level 3 playspace
  • Increase in size of the dog park with separate sections for large and small dogs with bench and table seating
  • Pump track for bikes and scooters
  • Picnic shelters and table settings to allow supervision of children within the play areas.

When was the Exhibition Period?

The Concept Masterplan for Centennial Park was on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. It opened from Monday 22 July and closed on Monday 19 August 2024.

The Masterplan was adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 20 November 2024. For project updates, please follow and subscribe to this page. For project updates, please follow and subscribe to this page.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more? You can contact us below:

Name Council's Assets Team
Phone 02 4868 0888
Email mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au
Website www.wsc.nsw.gov.au