Community Feedback for Christmas 2023

Your feedback is important to us, and we thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback regarding Christmas activations across the Wingecarribee.

There is an opportunity to leave a range of feedback:

  • You can use the comment box below to let us know some of your favourite Christmas activities
  • Participate in the long survey to give us in-depth feedback on what we can do to enhance the Christmas experience in the future.
  • If you live in the villages, you can participate in the Village specific survey which can be accessed here.

In 2023, Council took a different approach to Christmas activations across the Shire, following a post-Christmas survey the year before. The Council invited the Village Associations, GROW Southern Highlands and Business Southern Highlands to discuss the proposed options for Christmas Activations 2023 across the Shire.

The key themes that emerged from this consultation were:

  1. To move away from the hire of Christmas trees in the main centres due to the tree cost and installation fees, security and sustainability
  2. Preference was given to use of solar lights and working with community groups to decorate existing trees
  3. Increase the Christmas Village Grants program funds and include option to utilise funds to purchase solar lights that could be used on a hall or garden area in each of the villages
  4. Pop up Christmas Carols and the Make and Create sustainable series will be well received

Feedback is being sought between 9.00am Monday 5 February and extended to 9.00am Monday, 19 February 2024.

What was your favourite activity of the Christmas program?

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