Public Exhibition

The development of the draft Environment and Climate Change Strategy came about due to the Declaration of a Climate Emergency by Council. The Strategy replaces the existing Environment Strategy 2012-2017. 

Council engaged an external consultant, JOC Consulting, to undertake community and council staff engagement to develop the framework for the Strategy. Information gathered during this consultation helped identify 49 commitments. These commitments will guide current and future actions undertaken by Council to meet the goals outlined under each of the Priority Areas and Focus Areas. These are as follows:

Focus Area

  • Landscape and Cultural Values
  • Catchments and Waterways
  • Bushland and Biodiversity

Focus Area

  • Green and Liveable Places
  • Environmentally Sustainable Communities
  • Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices
  • Resilient Communities and Places

The draft Strategy, when adopted, will guide the development of more detailed action plans. The draft Strategy was presented at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 October 2023 and was endorsed for Public Exhibition. We now invite members of the community to provide feedback on the Strategy, with submissions closing on 13 December 2023.

The draft Environment and Climate Change Strategy, community engagement report and Council Minutes are available from the Document Library

If you have any questions, please send an email to with the subject – Environment and Climate Change Strategy.

For further information use the Ask a question tool below or contact Barry Arthur, Manager Environment and Sustainability, on 02 48680888.

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