Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
28 May 2021
Expressions of Interest are sought
Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is made up of three appropriately qualified independent external members. Expressions of Interest are sought for these positions. Learn about this opportunity below and complete an online form by 4.30pm Friday 18 June 2021.
Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is made up of three appropriately qualified independent external members. Its role is to keep under review and provide independent advice to the General Manager and the governing body of Council about the following aspects of Council’s operations:
- compliance
- risk management
- fraud control
- financial management
- governance
- implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies
- service reviews
- collection of performance measurement data by Council
- internal audit and any other matters prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.
Committee members are not required to reside in the Wingecarribee Shire Local Government Area.
Background To The Establishment Of The Interim Independent Advisory Planning Assessment Panel
On Wednesday 21 April 2021, Council passed a resolution for the establishment of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee and the adoption of Terms of Reference for the Committee. Visit the Document Library to view the report to Council and Council resolution.
Expressions of Interest
Three appropriately qualified independent external members are sought for Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, one of whom will be the Chair of the Committee. Councillors are ineligible to sit on the Committee.
The Chairperson is appointed by Council for one term for a period of three to five years. The other two independent external members are also appointed by Council for a three to five year term. Council will generally seek to ensure a rotational expiry of terms for Committee members.
These positions are remunerated by Council as follows:
- $16,213 (ex GST) per annum for the Chairperson
- $1,621 (ex GST) per meeting for the other independent members.
The following criteria will be considered when assessing expressions of interest:
- Independence from Council and its staff
- Relevant professional qualifications
- Relevant professional knowledge and expertise
- Understanding of / experience in local government
- Understanding of the role of corporate governance in organisations
- Current / prior experience with similar committees.
If you would like to apply, please complete an Expression of Interest (EOI) Form and attach a copy of both your curriculum vitae and your response to the selection criteria.
The EOI Form, EOI Information Pack and Committee Terms of Reference are provided in the Document Library, together with other relevant information. Please complete the online expression of interest form here.
Expressions of interest must be received at Council by 4.30pm Friday 18 June 2021
For more information please contact Council’s Group Manager Corporate and Community Ms Danielle Lidgard on (02) 4868 0888 or via