
Council's Asset Management Plans are part of a suite of portfolio asset management plans which together sit under the Asset Management Strategy. They are to be read in conjunction with the strategy and Four Year Capital Works Program. These Asset Management Plans provide an overarching document of Council's management of, and investment in, the Open Spaces Asset Class over a 10-year planning period.

The Asset Management Planning Framework integrates into the wider Integrated Planning & Reporting (IP&R) Framework, and ensures Council performs the Asset Management functions of planning, coordinating, controlling, executing, monitoring and improving the activities associated with managing its assets.

In accordance with the IP&R Framework, which all NSW Local Governments are subject to, Council is required to prepare a suite of strategic documents – one being the Resourcing Strategy. It is through the Resourcing Strategy that the Asset Management Framework of Council is defined and endorsed.

Asset Management Plans further explores the high-level summary contained in the Asset Management Strategy with a detailed analysis of inventory, risk, levels of service and sustainability undertaken. Asset Management Plans area developed for all major infrastructure asset classes, grouped by the type of function the assets serve – i.e., community assets or a specific business unit.

Asset Management Plans are continually reviewed, to ensure long-term sustainability of the Council services they support. They are informed by community consultation and will be used as core inputs into the development of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.

How can I view Council's Asset Management Plans?

Council's Asset Management Plans and associated documentation may be viewed in the Document library on this page

When is the Exhibition Period?

Council's Asset Management Plans were on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. The exhibition period was open from Thursday 16 May and closed on Wednesday 12 June 2024.

Next Steps:

Submissions received were considered in the finalisation of the documents. These were were presented for adoption at the Ordinary Meeting of Council - 19 June 2024.