This Policy has been designed to provide guidance for the use of CCTV and Portable Surveillance Cameras to assist Council to improve public safety, combat anti-social behaviour in public places and provide surveillance of illegal activity within the Wingecarribee Shire LGA.
This Policy sets out Council’s approach for the use of CCTV and Portable Surveillance Cameras and how footage captured by these devices, in public places within the Wingecarribee Shire LGA, is managed.
Policy Objectives:
The objectives of this Policy are to:
- provide direction to the lawful management of the Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) network that is operated by Wingecarribee Shire Council that encroach public spaces;
- providing a governance framework to operate a CCTV network to deter patterns of antisocial and illegal activity;
- assist Police and other duly authorised regulatory authorities in the identification and apprehension of offenders;
- promote a safer environment for those who visit, live or work in the Wingecarribee Shire Local Government Area (LGA).
These objectives are also attributable to Portable Surveillance Cameras that are also used in public spaces in the Wingecarribee Shire LGA.
How can I view the Draft Policy?
The policy and associated documentation may be viewed:
- Document library on this page
- Council’s Customer Service Counter, Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577, between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday
- Councils Libraries
When is the Exhibition Period?
The policy is on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. It will open from Friday 7 June 2024 and will close on Friday 5 July 2024.
How can I make a Submission?
- Submission Form (below)
- Emailed to
- Hand delivered to Council's Civic Centre at the address provided above
- Posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577
Only written submissions can be considered and must be received by Council before 4:30pm on Friday 5 July 2024.
Your personal information contained in your
submission is collected by Council for the purpose of corresponding with you
about your submission. Your submission, including only your full name and
locale, will be contained in the Council meeting business paper and made
publicly available on Council's website. If you make an anonymous submission,
Council will be unable to contact you further and only a summary of the points
made in your submission may be provided.
Next Steps:
Once the exhibition period is completed, Wingecarribee Shire Council will consider all duly made submissions (if any) before decision-making.