Background Information:
The Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21) concerns premises or
land which is not in a safe and healthy condition under section 124 of the
Local Government Act 1993. Under this provision an Order can be issued to
require an owner or occupier of land, to do, or refrain from doing, certain
things to ensure the land or premises are placed or kept in a safe or healthy
condition. This policy has been written in accordance with Chapter 7, Part 3,
of the Local Government Act 1993. Council may serve an order when land or
premises are not in a safe or healthy condition.
Policy Objectives:
The objectives of the Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21) are to:
- Specify the criteria that Council will consider when determining whether to issue an Order Number 21 under section 124 of the Local Government Act 1993 to ensure that premises or land are placed or kept in a safe or healthy condition
- Ensure consistency and fairness in the manner in which Council deals with issuing orders
- Make Council’s policy and requirements for orders readily accessible and understandable to the public
- Establish a system which can effectively resolve disputes and conflicts as they arise
- Provide a framework which will allow Council to prioritise workload.
How can I view the Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21)?
The Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21) and associated documentation may be viewed:
- Document Library on this page
- Council’s Customer Service Counter, Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577, between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday
- Councils Libraries
When is the Exhibition Period?
The Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21) is on public exhibition for a period of 56 days (8 weeks). It will open from Monday 22 July and will close on Monday 9 September 2024.
How can I provide feedback?
- Submission Form (below)
- Emailed to with the email subject title Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21)
- Hand delivered to Council's Civic Centre at 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577
- Posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577
Only written submissions can be considered and these must be received by Council before 4.30pm on Monday 9 September 2024. Please quote file reference Draft Local Orders Policy (Order 21) when making your submission. Please note that any submissions may be included in the report to Council.
Your personal information contained in your submission is collected by Council for the purpose of corresponding with you about your submission. If you make an anonymous submission, Council will be unable to contact you further. A summary of the points made in your submission will be contained in the Council meetings business paper and made public on Council’s website.
Next Steps:
Following the completion of the exhibition period, any submissions will be considered before the Policy is considered for adoption by Council.