Background Information

The Friends of the Wingecarribee Animal Shelter (FOWAS) raises funds to support the Wingecarribee Animal Shelter (WAS) with an emphasis on ensuring continued high rates of rehoming.

Through its fund-raising efforts, FOWAS can direct funds for specific needs that may arise for animals at the shelter, including the purchase of speciality food and elective surgery required to improve the quality of life for the animals whilst in care, and to better their chances of rehoming. FOWAS also provide important community education programs for responsible pet ownership.

The draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Council and FOWAS aims to:

  • Establish a framework for collaboration between Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) and FOWAS
  • Ensure that the provision of welfare for the animals within the care of the WAS is of a high standard and compliant with statutory requirements
  • Explicitly define the separation of responsibilities of each of the parties to the MOU, being statutory obligations (Council) and discretionary, non-statutory activities as offered by FOWAS
  • Ensure the continuation of a strong working relationship between Council and FOWAS
  • This MOU does not create legally enforceable rights or obligations for either party The Draft Animal Shelter Donations Policy works to support the successful operation of the draft MOU and provides the framework for managing donations received by Council for the shelter from individuals, businesses and organisations.

Exhibition Period

The Draft MOU FOWAS & Draft Animal Shelter Donations Policy are on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. It will open from Friday 22 November and will close on Thursday 20 December 2024.

Viewing the MOU & Policy

The Draft MOU FOWAS, Draft Animal Shelter Donations Policy and associated documentation may be viewed:

  1. Document Library on this page
  2. Council’s Customer Service Counter, Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577, between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday
  3. Councils Libraries

    Providing Feedback

    1. Submission Form (below)
    2. Emailed to with the email subject title Draft MOU FOWS & Draft Animal Shelter Donations Policy
    3. Hand delivered to Council's Civic Centre at 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577
    4. Posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577

    Only written submissions can be considered and these must be received by Council before 4.30pm on Friday 20 December 2024. Please note that any submissions may be included in the final report to Council.

    Your personal information contained in your submission is collected by Council for the purpose of corresponding with you about your submission. Your submission, including only your name and locale, will be contained in the Council meeting business paper and made publicly available on Council's website. If you make an anonymous submission, Council will be unable to contact you further and only a summary of the points made in your submission may be provided.

    Next Steps

    Submissions received will be reviewed and a final report will be developed for adoption by Council. For updates please follow and subscribe to this page.