Consultation is now closed on the Draft Operation Plan 2022/23.

The proposed Operational Plan 2022/23 was adopted by Council at its 29 June 2022 meeting. You can read the minutes of that meeting or watch a recording of the meeting here.

The 2022/23 adopted Operational Plan and Budget including Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges will be available at

We want to hear what you think of our plans for 2022/23

Would you like to know....

  • how Council plans to spend $69.8 million on Capital Projects in the next 12 months?
  • about the work Council is planning in your area in 2022/23?
  • what you could be charged to hire a hall or submit a Development Application in 2022/23?

The key documents outlining our budget and proposed activities for the year ahead are on public exhibition from 13 May to 10 June 2022:

The draft Operational Plan currently on exhibition includes:

  • information about specific projects and programs set for the financial year
  • Council’s annual Budget
  • Revenue Policy
  • Fees and Charges
  • a Capital Works Program outlining significant investment in asset maintenance, asset renewal and new asset works across the Shire.

To learn more about the planned capital works, view our interactive map, Capital Projects 2022/23. Here you will find a number of proposed Capital Projects, keeping in mind there are many that are shire wide and can not be plotted on a map.

Rates Correction

The NSW Government has enabled Council’s across the State to amend IPART’s baseline rate peg to better suit individual Local Government Area requirements.

Wingecarribee Shire Council has this year resolved to apply for an additional 0.8% rate increase to align with its Long Term Financial Plan. The additional increase will amount to rates rising by a total of 2% in the 2022/23 Financial Year.

This amendment to rates will allow Council to better maintain vital services and infrastructure in-line with current inflation figures.

Information Sessions

To assist the community in understanding the Draft Operational Plan, we invite you to join a representative from Assets, Finance and Governance for an overview of the Draft Operational Plan. Our team will be visiting the following locations:

  • CTC Robertson -Tuesday 17 May 2022 from 6 pm to 7 pm
  • Hill Top Community Centre -Thursday 19 May from 6 pm to 7 pm
  • Civic Centre, Moss Vale - Tuesday 24 May from 6 pm to 7 pm
  • Bundanoon Soldiers' Memorial Hall - Thursday 26 May 2022 from 6 pm to 7 pm

Registrations are essential and can be made here.

Where can I view the draft Operational Plan 2022/23?

  • Visit the document library to view the draft Draft Operational Plan 2022/23.
  • Printed copies of these documents can also be read at all Council libraries and the Council Civic Centre in Moss Vale.

Please take some time to review the documents and provide Council with your comments.

You can provide your feedback via a submission in the following ways:

Following the exhibition period and the receipt of public comments, this matter, including all submissions received during the exhibition period, will be reported back to Council for final adoption at a Council meeting to be held in June 2022.

We value your feedback and appreciate any input you may have.

Submissions will close Friday 10 June 2022.

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