Council endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) documents. The draft IP&R documents set out Council’s actions and resource commitments in working towards achievement of the Community Strategic Plan and Wingecarribee 2041.

The Delivery Program 2023-25 and Operational Plan 2023/24 outline the projects, as well as all the day-to-day items Council delivers and they set out what we’re committed to doing for you, our community.

It’s within these plans that you’ll find what we’re delivering for our libraries, resource and waste management, roads, parks and environment. 

In 2023/24, Council proposes to deliver $84 million in capital works. This includes;

  • $27 million on the sewerage network,
  • $23 million on road infrastructure, and
  • $9.5 million on drainage infrastructure.

Following public exhibition the incorporated community feedback was presented to Council in June 2023 and the following documents were adopted:

The Fees and Charges 2023/24 has once again gone to public exhibition after further contributions from council and the community were added. You can view this document here and put forward a submission. 

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