Council is preparing plans for the reconstruction of Exeter Road at Sutton Forest, from the Illawarra Highway to Nicholson Street.

The work will include rehabilitation of the existing road pavement, widening of road shoulders, installation of safety barrier and renewal of drainage infrastructure.

Construction work is anticipated to commence in the 2020/21 financial year.

This page will be updated as the design develops.

WORKS PLAN: Construction of the drainage will commence first with pavement reconstruction work to commence shortly after. Residential driveways will also be reconstructed to transition with the new road pavement. Traffic control will be in place during construction with residential access being maintained during this time.

CONSULTATION: Council has written to all property owners in the vicinity to provide a copy of the General Arrangement Layout Plan and seek feedback on the project. This can be done via the 'ask a question' tool below or by contacting Councils’ Project Manager, Bradley Ashe on 4868 0888 or by email to

To learn more about this project view the plans and correspondence in the Document Library.

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