
Amended Expenses and Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors Policy

12 April 2021

We want to hear what you think of the amended Expenses and Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors Policy

On 24 March 2021, Council endorsed an amended Expenses and Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors Policy (‘Policy’) for public exhibition.

Council originally adopted its Expenses and Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors Policy (‘Policy’) in August 2017. The Policy was prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, the 2009 Office of Local Government’s (OLG) Guidelines for the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities for mayors and councillors in NSW and a 2017 better practice Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy template for NSW councils (‘Better Practice Template’) published by the OLG.

The Policy enables the reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to Councillors to help them undertake their civic duties and ensures accountability and transparency. The Policy also seeks to align Councillor expenses and facilities with community expectations.

The amended Policy includes new clauses 10.1-10.3 which relate to the provision of a vehicle for the mayor. These new clauses reflect the relevant provisions of the Better Practice Template.

The amended Policy also includes a new clause 8.1 in relation to Council meeting the reasonable cost of accommodation for an Interim Administrator while appointed by the Minister for Local Government in accordance with section 438M of the Act.

Have your say on the amended Policy by 9am Tuesday 11 May 2021.

  • Check out the Council report and amended Expenses and Facilities for the Mayor and Councillors Policy in the document library. Changes made to the document are shown in purple.
  • Complete an online submission form.
  • Ask us a question below or contact the Corporate Strategy and Governance Team on 02 4868 0888