
Draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorships Policy

18 July 2022

On 20 July 2022, Council resolved to exhibit a draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorships Policy. The draft policy has been developed to ensure that Council officials and the community are aware of the obligations and responsibilities with respect to grants, donations and sponsorship arrangements.

Council’s existing Advertising and Sponsorship Policy was adopted on 14 June 2006. A review of the existing policy has been undertaken to ensure the policy gives due consideration to the Sponsorship in the Public Sector guidelines released by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in May 2006, and has been benchmarked against other NSW Councils’ sponsorship policies. The draft policy has also been updated to include Council’s outgoing grants and incoming and outgoing donations, and reflect that advertising by or on behalf of Council is now managed through the planning process.

The draft policy provides a framework for distribution of funds under section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993. The draft policy outlines the general principles under which grants, donations and sponsorship arrangements should be undertaken. The draft Policy does not cover incoming grants, which are subject to a separate grant approvals process. The requirements concerning sponsorship have been developed in line with guidelines released by ICAC regarding Sponsorship in the Public Sector.

The draft policy reworks the existing Advertising and Sponsorship policy, bringing it in to line with the current accepted format and removing references to advertising, as that is now managed through State Environmental Plans and local Development Control Plans. It also covers Council’s outgoing grants and incoming and outgoing donations.

On 20 July 2022, Council resolved

THAT the draft Grants, Donations and Sponsorships Policy be placed on public exhibition for 28 days.

Have your say by 4.30 pm Tuesday 2 August 2022