
Proposal to waive the “gap fee” for families who have children enrolled in Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Care

9 September 2021

Proposal to waive the “gap fee” for families who have children enrolled in Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Care who are not currently attending care due to the regional lockdown, backdated to 23 August 2021

On the 16 August 2021, the NSW Government extended the lockdown of Greater Sydney to include all regional areas of NSW, initially up until the 28 August but more recently extended beyond 10 September. This included the closure of all local schools and a request to families by the NSW Premier and NSW Chief Medical Officer to refrain from sending children to child care unless there was genuine need.

As a result, there has been a significant reduction in children attending the Children’s Services provided by Wingecarribee Shire Council, in particular the Out of School Hours Service, operating out of Mittagong Public School.

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) has advised that Children’s Services in Commonwealth declared COVID – 19 hotspots, including the Wingecarribee LGA, can waive gap fees for families who keep their children at home from day eight of the hotspot declaration. For Wingecarribee Early Childhood Services this was effective as of 23 August 2021.

The “gap fee” is the contribution a parent makes towards their child care fees. It is the “gap” between the Service fee and the family’s Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlement. Under “normal” circumstances this is a condition of being eligible for CCS.

At the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8 September 2021 a report was tabled to outline the proposal to waive gap fees for children who are not attending Councils Out of School Hours, during the lockdown period.

See Document Library for associated report.

It was resolved THAT:

  1. Council waive the child care “gap fees” from 23 August 2021 until the lockdown ceases or otherwise advised by the DESE, for children not attending Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Service (WOOSH) under the conditions outlined by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE),
  2. Council undertake a 28-day public notification period in relation to waiving the “gap fee” for children not attending the Out of School Hours Service, in accordance with Section 356 of Local Government Act 1993
  3. Council notes that Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Care, if still in lockdown, will operate a reduced September/ October vacation care program offering 12-15 child care places to essential workers and those families who cannot work from home.

Is this supported by the community?

Share your thoughts on the proposed “gap fee” waiver for children not attending Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Service during the regional lockdown period or as otherwise adopted by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment by 9am Friday 8 October 2021 via:

  • an online submission form,
  • email to, or
  • post to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale 2577