
Medway Community Funding Request

15 December 2021

At its meeting on 8 December, Council considered a report to provide Medway Community with funding to assist their village in becoming an incorporated association.

Medway residents are seeking to make improvements to their village but are unable to apply for funding until they become an incorporated association. Medway residents have written to Council to seek financial assistance to set up an incorporated association.

At the meeting held on 8 December 2021, Council resolved:

THAT Council undertake a 28-day public notification period to provide a one-off grant of $1,500 to assist the Medway community become an incorporated organisation, in accordance with Section 356 of Local Government Act 1993.

Is this supported by the community?

Share your thoughts on the Medway Community Funding Request by 9am Thursday 13 January 2022 via:

  • an online submission form,
  • email to, or
  • post to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale 2577