
Proposal to Waive Fees and Charges for the Hire of Council Facilities for Christmas Celebrations in the Shire Villages

29 November 2021

At its meeting on 24 November 2021 Council considered a report to waive fees and charges for the Hire of Council Facilities for Christmas Celebrations in the Wingecarribee Shire villages for events being delivered through the Christmas Celebrations Grants.

Requests have been received from the village associations to waive fees and charges for the hire of Council facilities for events being delivered through the Christmas Celebrations Grants. Initial estimates of the budget implication of waiving these fees and charges are $930.

Council recognises the essential role that Village associations play in the Shires Villages, they are groups of elected local residents that foster community wellbeing, advocate for the needs of their local area, organise events, provide a place to share thoughts and ideas and seek improvements.

At the meeting held on 24 November 2021, Council resolved:

THAT Council undertake a 28 day public notification period to waive the fees for the hire of Council facilities for Christmas Celebrations in the Wingecarribee Shire villages for events being delivered through the Christmas Celebrations Grants, in accordance with Section 356 of Local Government Act 1993.

Is this supported by the community?

Share your thoughts on the Proposal to Waive Fees and Charges for the Hire of Council Facilities for Christmas Celebrations in the Shire Villages by 9am Monday 3 January 2022 via:

  • an online submission form,
  • email to, or
  • post to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale 2577