
Proposal to waive the “gap fees” of children who are unable to attend Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Service (operating from Mittagong Public School)

22 February 2022

Proposal to waive the “gap fees” of children who are unable to attend Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Service (operating from Mittagong Public School), because they or a member of their immediate household, is a close contact or tested positive to COVID -19, for a total of 5 days.

COVID-19 is having a detrimental effect on the early childhood sector, including OOSH, and families who use these Services. With vaccinations for children only recently being introduced in the primary school age group and the inability for children to socially distance there is an increased risk of children becoming exposed to COVID-19 and needing to isolate as per the Governments guidelines.

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) has recently made provisions for services to waive gap fees until 30 June 2022 and continue to receive CCS if a child is unable to attend care for a number of reasons. These include:

  1. They or a member of their immediate household, must isolate due to COVID -19. This includes if they are a close contact or are awaiting results. This applies from 21 November 2021
  2. The child is at higher risk of severe disease from COVID- 19. This includes Children with a disability, chronic health condition (with documentation from a Medical Practitioner) or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. This applies from 27 January 2022

The “gap fee’ is the contribution a parent makes towards their child care fees. It is the gap between the service fee and the family’s Child Care Subsidy (CCS) entitlement. Under “normal circumstances this is a condition of being eligible for CCS.

At the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16 February 2022 a report was tabled to out line the proposal to waive the gap fees for families of children who are not attending due to COVID isolation requirements, for up to 5 days.

See Document Library for associated report

It was resolved THAT:

  1. Council waive the “gap fee”, for a total of five days per child in the Wingecarribee Out of School Service, where the child must isolate because they or a member of their immediate household, is a close contact or tested positive to COVID -19, as per Government requirements until 30 June 2022 or as per Department of Education Skills and Employment guidelines.
  2. Council undertake a 28-day public notification period in relation to waiving the gap fee for children not attending the Out of School Hours Service (OOSH) where they are directly impacted by COVID, in accordance with Section 356 of Local Government Act 1993.

Is this supported by the community?

Share your thoughts on the proposed “gap fee” waiver for children not attending Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Service due to isolation requirements by 9 am Thursday 24 March 2022 via: