Lease and Licence Exhibition
From time to time Council publicly exhibits leases, licences and other property related matters. Please see below news feed for more information.
Submission Form
Exhibition of Proposed Fees and Charges - Upstairs office space, Bowral Memorial Hall and Sutton Forest Hall
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
'Operational Land' Classification Lots 1 & 2 DP 1292881, Suttor Road, Moss Vale
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Lease - Wylara Pastoral Company Pty Ltd - Road Reserve adjoining 298 Medway Road, Medway
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback. Your are required to register an account with Your Say Wingecarribee prior to submission. (External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Proposed Licence Agreement Renewals - NSW Department of Planning and Environment
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Exhibition of Proposed Fees and Charges - Bowral Memorial Hall
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - PN 1713590 - Proposed Grant of Easement in favour of Endeavour Energy
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - PN 452400 - Proposal to close Council Pubic Road Reserve which runs through 70 Drapers Creek Road, Colo Vale
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Lease - Tujilo Pty Ltd Part Cnr Horderns and Kangaloon Roads, Bowral
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Lease SoHi Hospitality Group Pty Ltd - 'Leased Space' Renwick Community Centre, 55 Renwick Drive, Renwick
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Draft Property and Investment Policy and Investment Strategy for Public Exhibition
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Proposal to close Council Pubic Road Reserve - Meryla Road, Bowral
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Proposed Closure of Council Road Reserve which runs through 70 Drapers Creek Road, Colo Vale - PN 452400
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Road Closure Part Congewoi Street, Robertson - RD3609
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Lease for Aboriginal Community Cultural Centre
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
Submission Form - Road Closure
CLOSED: This exhibition has concluded
Please review the relevant proposal before providing your feedback.(External link)
The content of submissions may be made public in Council reports and read by third parties. Personal details will be removed.
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