Wingecarribee Shire Council has embarked on a Street Tree Masterplanning project and you're invited to take part. The Masterplan will provide Council with a comprehensive strategy for the management of the region's street trees, ensuring that the leafy character of the region is preserved and enhanced into the future!

The overall objectives for the Master plan are to:
  • Maintain, and increase where appropriate, the canopy cover in urban, town and village centres.
  • Reinforce and enhance the special characteristics of individual urban, town and village centres.
  • Improve the consistency of street tree planting on main and collector roads for each urban, town and village centre.
  • Reduce the conflict between street trees and existing services (electrical, water, sewer and drainage).
  • Establish a street tree species palette for each urban, town and village centre that is suited to the environmental conditions of the Wingecarribee Shire.

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