Moss Vale's well-loved Seymour Park is the focus of a new Masterplan and input from the community is being sought to finalise the plan as well as gather support for grant applications.

Seymour Park is a popular location for picnics, off-leash dog fun and other recreational pursuits but its playground is 23 years old! Set on over 5 hectares on the corner of Spencer and Lovelle Streets in Moss Vale, many residents travel across the Shire to enjoy its established trees and expansive spaces.

The Masterplan outlines a number of staged improvements including formalising of the existing car parking area, two accessible parking spaces, a new playground, nature play area, picnic tables, new amenities building with one accessible and one ambulant cubicle, the removal of the existing playground, demolition of existing amenities block and expansion of the off-leash dog area.

Visit to learn more about the proposal, share feedback and lend your support by 9am, Tuesday 28 January 2020.

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