Check out the entries and VOTE for your faves in the four categories below.

We love living in the Southern Highlands but what is it that makes the character of this place so special?

Share your personal image of the Highlands.

Residents of all ages are invited to explore and celebrate our people, places, landscapes and buildings. We’re looking for images and thoughts which reflect the attributes that contribute to the character of our Southern Highlands.

These will then be used to identify aspirations for the different towns and villages within the Shire and to develop local character statements which the community can consider and hopefully endorse for future planning purposes.

Place a photo or marker on the map and share a story

Take a photo which represents the character of our Shire and then upload it in one of the four pin themes - people, place, landscape or buildings.

Not all of us are photographers so if you'd like to share your thoughts about favourite locations without the hassle of uploading a photo please do so. You'll be helping develop an understanding of the local landmarks and places that are important to our community.

Add your marker and photo in the Photo and Mapping Tool.Sign up to participate

Tell us why you love the Southern Highlands in the Stories Tool.


Provide a short summary of your question.

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

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The Project Team

{{ question.username }} asked


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