
Bowral Development Control Plan Amendments - Conservation Precincts including Aitken Road - FINALISED

1 December 2020

CURRENT STATUS: On 10 March 2021, Council considered a report on the results of the public exhibition of the draft amendments to the Bowral DCP and adopted the amendments as proposed. The amended Bowral DCP came into force on 17 March 2021.

BACKGROUND: On 25 November 2020 Council resolved to place on public exhibition proposed amendments to the Bowral Township Development Control Plan (DCP). The purpose of the amendments is to include the newly established Aitken Road Conservation Area within the existing Conservation Precinct controls in the DCP and to make an addition and some minor amendments to the existing controls.

EXHIBITION DATES: The draft amendments were on public exhibition from Wednesday 2 December 2020 to Friday 5 February 2021, inclusive.

LEARN MORE: The proposed Bowral Township DCP amendments and supporting information may be viewed in the Document Library.

MAKE A SUBMISSION: Written submissions to the proposed Bowral Township DCP amendments have now closed.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact the Strategic Land Use Planning Branch on 4868 0888.