
Development Control Plan Amendments for Signage and Outdoor Advertising

2 September 2020


The signage and outdoor advertising amendments were adopted by Council on 28 October 2020. The Agenda of that Council meeting that contains the report considered by Council can be found here and the Minutes of the meeting which contains Council's resolution can be found here. A copy of the consolidated amendments can be found in the document library and can also be downloaded here. The amendments will come into force on a future date to be notified.


Council resolved on 26 August 2020 to exhibit draft development control plan provisions with regard to signage and outdoor advertising.

The purpose of these draft amendments is to provide new controls for digital advertising, as well as update current provisions to ensure that they are consistent with the Exempt and Complying State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) and SEPP64 which addresses signage and outdoor advertising.

The draft provisions are on public exhibition from Wednesday 1 September to Wednesday 30 September 2020.

Relevant documentation may be viewed in the documents section as well as at Council’s Customer Service Centre in the Civic Centre Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale, during opening hours.

You are invited to inspect the draft provisions and may make a submission online or as outlined in right column. A submission objecting to any provisions must clearly state the reasons for objection. Submissions should quote file 5700.

Submissions must be received by 4.30pm on Wednesday 30 September 2020.

For further information, please contact Strategic Planning on 4868 0888.

The lodging of a submission is voluntary. However if you choose not to lodge a submission/objection in writing, your views will not be taken into account by Council in relation to this matter. Any information that you choose to provide to Council will be used by Council to process this matter. Once lodged with Council the information you provide can be accessed by you and may also be available to third parties including other members of the public.