Planning Proposal to reduce the minimum lot size of land at Villiers Road and Hill Road Moss Vale - FINALISED
24 June 2022
CURRENT STATUS: Map Amendment 5 to Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2010 was notified on the NSW Legislation website on Friday 21 October 2022. The purpose of the amendment was to amend the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan 2010 to reduce the minimum lot size provisions for land situated at Villiers Road (Lot 8 DP 875224, Lot 9 DP 875224 and Lot 5 DP 844943) and Hill Road (Lot 3 DP 844943 and Lot 4 DP 844943) in Moss Vale from 8000m2 to 2000m2 (PP-2022-933).
The Agenda and Minutes of the Local Planning Panel of 7 September 2022 may be found on Council’s website here.
The Agenda and Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of 21 September 2022 may be found on Council’s website here.
BACKGROUND: On 16 February 2022 Council resolved to proceed with a Planning Proposal as described above. The intent of the proposed change to WLEP 2010 is to amend the current minimum lot size provisions for land situated at Villiers Road (Lot 8 DP 875224, Lot 9 DP 875224 and Lot 5 DP 844943) and Hill Road (Lot 3 DP 844943 and Lot 4 DP 844943) in Moss Vale, from 8,000m2 to 2,000m2.
Through Amendment 43 to WLEP 2010 on 27 October 2017, the (then) Department of Planning, Industry and Environment rezoned an extensive area of land to the south of Moss Vale which had been identified as the Chelsea Gardens Coomungie Urban Release Area (URA). The URA amendment applied new R2 Low Density Residential and R5 Large Lot Residential zones with minimum lot sizes ranging from 450m2 to 2,000m2 to land which had previously been zoned RU2 Rural Landscape.
This Planning Proposal, therefore, sought to address the resulting anomaly in lot sizes between the URA and the previous township boundary by amending the minimum lot size of the subject land from 8,000m2 to 2,000m2 under WLEP 2010. The amendment of the current minimum lot size provisions of the subject land will enable a modest increase in housing, and a more logical lot size pattern that is consistent with the adjoining Chelsea Gardens Coomungie URA.
On 12 April 2022 the NSW Department of Planning & Environment issued a Gateway Determination to progress the Planning Proposal to public exhibition. The Proposal was exhibited in accordance with the Gateway requirements and no formal submissions were received.
EXHIBITION DATES: The Planning Proposal was on public exhibition for a period of 30 days from Wednesday 6 July to Friday 5 August 2022, inclusive.
LEARN MORE: The public exhibition documents (including the Planning Proposal and supporting documentation) are still available for viewing in the Document Library.
MAKE A SUBMISSION: Written submissions have now closed.
DELEGATION: It is noted that Wingecarribee Shire Council was authorised to exercise the functions of the Minister for Planning under s.3.36 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 as have been delegated to it with regard to this Planning Proposal.
FURTHER INFORMATION: If you have any questions, you may Ask a Question on this website or contact the Strategic Outcomes team by email or telephone 02 4868 0888.