
Planning Proposal for 'Rochester Park', Bundanoon (Heritage)

13 October 2020

CURRENT STATUS: Following Council adoption on 24 February 2021 of the Planning Proposal affecting the property known as 'Rochester Park' at 102-104 Old Wingello Road, Bundanoon, Amendment No. 58 to the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan 2010 was published on the NSW Legislation website on 4 June 2021. Amendment No. 58 effects the aims of the Planning Proposal to heritage list the subject site and to change the minimum lot size. These changes are now in effect. The Amendment, as published, may be downloaded from the NSW Legislation website at (External Link).

BACKGROUND: On 14 August 2019 Council resolved to proceed with a Planning Proposal to amend the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan (WLEP) 2010 by adding land at 102-104 Old Wingello Road, Bundanoon, (Lot 32 DP 1205423) as a new heritage item and increasing the applicable minimum lot size controls. The intent of the proposed change to WLEP 2010 is to recognise the heritage significance of the property known as ‘Rochester Park’ by adding it to the list of heritage items in Schedule 5 of the WLEP 2010 and to prevent further subdivision of the site by increasing the minimum lot size from 700m2 to 1 hectare.

On 17 September 2020 the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment issued a Gateway Determination to progress the Planning Proposal to public exhibition. The Planning Proposal was exhibited in October and November 2020 but following discovery of an omission from the exhibited version of the Planning Proposal, it was re-exhibited in accordance with the Gateway requirements.

Council adopted the Planning Proposal on 24 February 2021 following consideration of a report on the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal.

EXHIBITION DATES: The Planning Proposal was on public re-exhibition for a period of 41 days (excluding the Christmas and New Year holiday period) from Wednesday 18 November 2020 to Wednesday 20 January 2021, inclusive.

LEARN MORE: The Planning Proposal and associated documentation may be viewed under the "Rochester Park Planning Proposal Re-Exhibition" section under Documents.

MAKE A SUBMISSION: Written submissions to the Planning Proposal have now closed.

DEPARTMENT REFERENCE: The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's reference for this Planning Proposal is PP_2020_WINGE_003_00.

ENQUIRIES: Please direct any enquiries on this Planning Proposal to the Strategic Land Use Planning team on 02 4868 0888.