A specialist risk consultant has been engaged to undertake an independent review of Council’s response following the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires.

Our Interim Administrator is seeking a “warts and all” report and to ensure that there is no potential or perceived conflict of interest has engaged Mr Dave Owens from Risk-e Business Consultants to undertake the review.

Mr Owens is a former Deputy Commissioner of the NSW Police Force with 30 years of service. He has also been a State and Regional Recovery Coordinator and has extensive experience in the establishment and running of Recovery Committees and funding applications. Mr Owens was involved in the NSW Government’s Independent Bushfire Inquiry which resulted in 76 recommendations.

The report will only focus on Council’s response to the bushfires.

NSW Rural Fire Service and Resilience NSW and not-for-profit organisations will also be approached as they too played an important role both during and after the bushfires but the report will not look at the actions of these agencies.

The purpose of this review is to ensure that should the Shire ever be faced by a similar threat we will be best prepared to respond and meet the needs of our community.

A draft report from Risk-e Business Consultants will be returned to Council by the end of July 2021.