
Council to consider approving development application

20 June 2018

Wingecarribee Shire Council will consider approving a Development Application for the Renwick Community Centre on 27 June 2018.

The design has been adjusted following submissions received during a public exhibition period in 2017 and extended period of consultation with Landcom, Water NSW and Council officers.

As a Crown Application, Council must obtain approval from the applicant prior to imposing conditions on any consent, or if the proposal is not supported it must be referred to the Joint Regional Planning Panel for consideration.

Council staff have recommended approval of the proposal on this occasion.

Changes to the design

The architectural design of the building has not significantly changed however sustainable water use, energy efficiency and access for centre users needed to be improved. The following changes were agreed upon by Council assessing officers and the applicant:

  • The original DA nominated 17 on-site parking spaces and five parking spaces within new bays in the footpath reserve. Plans have since been amended to increase on-site parking to 41 car parking spaces and provide an ‘entry-only’ crossing from Whitfield Lane and ‘exit only’ crossing to Langley Avenue. The spaces would be provided along the Langley Avenue end of the site within the area previously labelled 'possible community garden'.
  • A combined mini-bus/service bay/loading bay is proposed adjacent to the north west corner of the area. This bay is linked by ramps leading along the northern and western sides of the community centre allowing the movement of trolleys and delivery items to and from the centre.
  • It is recommended that all light fittings be energy efficient and all water fittings of a 5 star efficiency rating.
  • The installation of rainwater tanks to a minimum of 10,000L is proposed for re-use in the maintenance of exterior surfaces and landscaping.
  • Secured bicycle parking spaces to be located in a more visible position within the site with a minimum of 10 bicycle parking spaces ancillary to the community facility and 10 spaces available within the village square.

To read the detailed report and attachments visit and open the Agenda for 27 June 2018.

Landcom will construct the Renwick Community Centre before transferring ownership to Wingecarribee Shire Council.