The Southern Highlands Innovation Park (SHIP) is a regionally significant employment precinct comprising some 1,053 hectares of industrial zoned land between Moss Vale and Berrima. This precinct provides a unique opportunity to attract sustainable and innovative industries and become a major employer and economic driver for the Shire and the broader region.

Council has engaged consultants Architectus, Astrolabe and SGS Economics and Planning to prepare a Master Plan and Governance Strategy for the SHIP which will help guide land uses and built form within the precinct, and to plan for new employment opportunities into the future.

Next Steps

The public exhibition of the Southern Highlands Innovation Park (SHIP) draft Master Plan and supporting documents has now concluded. We would like to thank you for taking the time to Participate.

The comments and feedback you have provided will be crucial in shaping the final draft Master Plan and future of SHIP. A review will now commence to consider each submission. These submissions will be reported to Council in the near future, seeking adoption.

More information and key dates will be available shortly. To best stay up to date, ‘follow’ this project page.