Background Information

The Southern Highlands Innovation Park (SHIP) is a regionally significant employment precinct comprising some 1,053 hectares of industrial zoned land between Moss Vale and Berrima. This precinct provides a unique opportunity to attract sustainable and innovative industries and become a major employer and economic driver for the Shire and the broader region.

Council has engaged consultants Architectus, Astrolabe and SGS Economics and Planning to prepare a Master Plan and Governance Strategy for the SHIP which will help guide land uses and built form within the precinct, and to plan for new employment opportunities into the future.

  • Industrial Corridor

    The precinct was originally identified as a ‘Future Industrial Corridor’ in 1979

  • Local Employment

    Formerly known as the Moss Vale Enterprise Corridor, the SHIP was initially identified as an employment precinct in the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 1989

  • Local Industries

    The Boral Cement Works site occupying the western end of the precinct supplies 60% of all concrete product in NSW

SHIP Draft Masterplan & Character Precincts

Click below to download a copy of the SHIP Draft Master Plan and Character Precincts. You can also click on the interactive map below to learn more.

Next Steps

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to share their thoughts on the Draft Master Plan during the public exhibition period last year.

The revised Draft Master Plan, Governance Strategy and Engagement Outcomes Report will be presented at the Ordinary Meeting of Council Wednesday 19 March 2025. The purpose of the report is to seek the adoption of the Draft Master Plan and Governance Strategy.

The Meeting Agenda will be made available on Council's website by close of business Wednesday 12 March 2025, which can be accessed here.