
Throsby Street reconstruction is complete except for the following:

  • Telstra is currently designing the relocation of a Telstra pit that will be removed from a residential driveway. Once completed, Council will proceed in concreting the driveway.

Council is preparing plans for the reconstruction of Throsby Street in Moss Vale, from Spring Street to Yarrawa Road.

The work will include rehabilitation of the existing road pavement, Renewal of kerb & gutter and footpath, improvement of stormwater drainage and installation of new water mains and sewer mains. Council is also proposing to develop the streetscape by replacing some of the existing street trees with suitable species in accordance with Wingecarribee Street Tree Master Plan 2016.

Water main and sewer main construction will commence in January 2021 and is expected to finish by April 2021. A start date will be advised closer to the time.

Construction of stormwater drainage, kerb & gutter, footpath, road pavement and streetscape will commence shortly after the finishing of water & sewer main works. Traffic control will be in place during construction with residential access being maintained over this time.

Council has written to all property owners in the vicinity and would like to hear about any issues that you would like us to consider as part of the project. This can be done via the ask a question tool or by contacting Councils’ Project Engineer Civil, Jamil Ashraf on 4868 0519 or jamil.ashraf@wsc.nsw.gov.au.

To learn more about this project view the plans and view correspondence in the Document Library.

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