
Balmoral water supply to be deferred

31 March 2016

Based on the results of community surveys it was recommended that the proposed water scheme be deferred and a similar consultation process be undertaken in five years to determine if the community needs have changed. Staff reported they were not aware of any legislative requirement/s for Council to provide water and sewerage services to unserviced areas unless specifically required by health or catchment management authorities. Council has not received any such advice for the Balmoral area.


Upon consideration of a report to the 25 March 2015 meeting, Wingecarribee Shire Council resolved:

  1. THAT the proposed Balmoral water supply scheme be deferred by five years from 2016-2019 to 2021-2024.
  2. THAT the Water & Sewerage Strategic Plan and the Long Term Financial Plan be amended accordingly.
  3. THAT a needs analysis and community consultation be undertaken in 2020 to determine the requirement and community support for the Balmoral water supply and sewerage schemes.
Further information can be found in the 25 March 2015 agenda (report on page 55) and minutes of Council.


60 or 36% of property owners responded to the survey. Of those who responded 13% (8) completed the online survey and 87% (52) completed the paper survey. A summary of responses to two key questions follows:

Question 1: Of the three options outlined in the information kit, which suits you most?

· Option 1 – Water service provided, no wastewater

· Option 2 – Water service provided, plans for wastewater

· Option 3 – No water or wastewater services provided

Response: Of the 60 surveys received 51% (31) were in favour of Option 3 – No water or wastewater services provided.

Question 2: If the water service become available, how long after completion of the scheme would you connect to the service?

Response: 40% (23) of properties who completed the survey indicated they would not connect.