The Mittagong Creek Waterway Management project addresses part of the recommendations coming out of the Bowral Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan carried out in 2009 as well as rehabilitation work guided by the Mittagong Creek Riparian Management Plan.

This project will remove weeds (predominantly Willow trees) from the channel and banks of Mittagong Creek. The initial focus for the project will be the section of Mittagong Creek from Bowral Street to Willow Road - see section details in map.

A budget of $123,000 has been allocated and this project is to be delivered in the 2019/2020 financial year.


  • Improve flow conveyance in the creek;
  • Reduce potential for blockages and silt build-up;
  • Improve overall health of the native vegetation and the waterway
  • Provide Council with feedback for future waterway management projects; and
  • Improve aesthetic for the surrounding community.

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