The former Welby Landfill, located at 40 Colo Street, Welby, accepted and landfilled waste from 1957 to 2002. The waste accepted at the Landfill primarily consisted of household and building & demolition waste. There is potential the former landfill could contain a mix of wastes, including hazardous waste as access to many old landfills were not well regulated in their earlier life.
Landfilling ceased in 2002 and the site had a capping (soil layer) placed over it after this. Around 2009-2010 organic material and foundry sands were imported to the site, stockpiled and processed as part of a recycling endeavour undertaken by a private company. This endeavour unfortunately was not successful, and the company no longer exists. Wingecarribee Shire Council currently manages the capped landfill and remaining stockpiled material, including monitoring the sites ongoing stability and environmental impact.
Council needs to rehabilitate and formally close the Welby Landfill so that the Operating License can be surrendered to the NSW EPA and future (limited) community use of the site can occur.
Proposed Works
Removal of the stockpiled (and contaminated) organic material and disposal at an appropriately licensed landfill.
Removal of deep-rooted trees that have grown on the existing capping material and may be allowing water to enter the waste body.
Removal of some vegetation (trees and shrubs) around the perimeter at the toe of the landfill to allow for the re-shaping works to be undertaken and stormwater structures to be built and accessed.
Removal of the existing weighbridge structure and components for re-installation and re-use at another Council site once the export and import of materials is complete.
Removal and off-site crushing of the former waste oil concrete structure and existing weighbridge footings and slab.
Re-shaping and re-capping some of the existing landform that is currently too steep on some sides will be proposed.
Forming a gently sloping crest that will prevent water ponding on the surface and penetrating into the waste body (this water then can become contaminated and is known as Leachate).
Proposed burial of the foundry sand on site under the new capping layer.
Importation of clean soil material to create a new ~1m thick capping over the crest and sides that have been re-shaped.
Construct new, and update existing, stormwater drainage structures to manage the flow of water from the site into the surrounding bushland and creek
Re-vegetation of the site with a mix of native grasses
Long-term aftercare of the site that include. vegetation and stormwater management and ongoing ground water monitoring.
Development Consent is required to facilitate the proposed works set out under the Welby Landfill Closure Plan which is anticipated to commence in mid-2025.
Once formally closed, the site is currently tentatively planned to enable some expansion and enhancement of the existing mountain bike facility that surrounds the site. This change of land use does not form part of the Closure Development Application and will be subject to a separate planning and approval process. The site is owned by the NSW Crown Lands Department and Council are the Crown Land Manager.
Once the Closure works are underway, a Draft Plan of Management for the site will be prepared, exhibited and adopted in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Local Government Act 1993. This Plan of Management will enable the appropriate and desired uses of the site.
Community Engagement
A letterbox drop to all residents and businesses in Welby will take place on Tuesday 9 July 2024.
Two community drop-in sessions were held on Tuesday 23 July at Welby Community Hall. Council representatives were available and answered questions from local residents and user groups from 3pm to 4pm and 6pm to 7pm. An update from these sessions will be provided in the report to Council.
Share your thoughts and feedback about the project through the Share Your Thoughts box at the top of this page.
You can also complete the Feedback Survey below.
Online consultation will close 5pm on Tuesday 6 August 2024.
The Development Application will be made publicly available during the formal Public Exhibition period. This will provide further opportunities for comments and feedback to be received from the community about the proposal.