Background Information
Public toilets make a practical difference to people actively enjoying our community spaces such as playgrounds. While Wingecarribee Shire Council has no statutory requirement to provide public toilets, public toilet provision supports an active and healthy community as identified in Council’s Community Strategic Plan.
Community Consultation
Site Options
After previous community consultation held earlier this year, M.F. Vickers Memorial Park in Everest Street, Yerrinbool was chosen as the preferred site for a new public toilet amenities block that will include one accessible cubicle and one ambulant cubicle. The result was supported by Council and resolved at the 20 March 2024 Council Meeting. Please see the document library on this page for a copy of the Council Report.
Please note that the exact location of the amenities building is subject to minor changes on-site pending service locations.
Concept Designs
Council has developed a concept design for the proposed amenities block. Two in-person community consultation sessions were held on Thursday 6 June on site at M.F. Vickers Park, Yerrinbool. An online survey was available for the community to complete between Wednesday 15 May and Thursday 30 May 2024. The concept designs are also available in the document library on this page. This design details the proposed façade, floor plan, building specifications, and intended fixtures for the new public toilet facility.
Results from this phase of engagement is detailed below:
- A new toilet will be constructed along the western boundary near the Rural Fire Brigade. This placement will not interfere with the current park entrance, as a new concrete reinforcement driveway will be built to provide access to the toilet
- The new toilet facility will include a unisex toilet, an accessible toilet, and a service room
- Water for the toilet will be sourced from the existing water main at Old Hume Highway
- Power for the toilet will be sourced from the overhead pole at Everest Street
Concept Design
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