
Shape how your neighbourhood will look in the future.

15 July 2015

This consultation has now concluded but you can still view related information using the links below.

We have developed a draft Local Planning Strategy to guide land use planning throughout the shire and welcome your feedback. The draft Local Planning Strategy provides a ‘snapshot’ of the Shire in 2015, identifies the key issues most likely to affect the area over the next 16 years to 2031 and offers land use options which meet our regional development obligations while also respecting community priorities and goals.

A number of studies and and community engagement activities have occurred since May 2010 to help inform and guide the new draft Strategy which identifies a long term direction for the future development of the Shire upon which any proposed amendments to the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) can be based.

HAVE YOUR SAY : It is time to hear from you again about whether the vision and objectives for your neighbourhood are relevant and reflect community requirements. Complete a submission by 4.30pm Friday 11 September 2015.