
Special Rate Variation approved

17 May 2016

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal announced it's approval of Council's application for a cumulative rate increase of 45.3% from 2016 to 2020 on 17 May 2016.

Following a period of sustained community engagement, Council at its meeting of 10 February 2016
resolved to apply for an SRV to reduce infrastructure backlogs and achieve sustainability indicators set
by the NSW State Government’s ‘Fit for the Future’ Local Government Reform program.

Council applied for a cumulative rate increase of 45.3% from 2016 to 2020, with the 2019-20 proposed
increase to include continuation of the Environmental Levy in perpetuity.

IPART approved Council’s application with percentage increases to be applied as follows:
  • 2016-17 8.55%
  • 2017-18 9.25%
  • 2018-19 9.25%
  • 2019-20 12.15% (includes continuation of the Environmental Levy)
For further information read: