
Telephone surveys underway

4 September 2015

An independent research company, Micromex Research, will be calling residents to complete telephone surveys on behalf of Council in the next couple of months. They will be seeking a demographically representative group of residents to answer the various questions.

What does 'demographically representative' mean? We ask a sample of the community for their views. The research company tries to reflect the age and gender of the community according to the 2011 ABS census data.

Why do we do this? Some age groups in our community are more vocal or active than others when Council asks for feedback on proposals. The research company persists until they fill quotas in age and gender groups to ensure that groups who we often don't hear from, such as people with young families, also have an opportunity to be heard.

Can anyone else have a say? Yes we will be offering online surveys at the same time, so make sure you are registered on this site to ensure you are notified of the opportunity to participate.