
UPDATE: Wingecarribee Animal Shelter

3 July 2015

UPDATE: Animal Shelter will remain in Council's hands - click here to learn more

We asked the community to vote on a preferred method for managing animal welfare services earlier in the year and now Council is scheduled to consider the matter on 8 July 2015. If you'd like to see the results of the survey, read the associated report and learn more about the recommendations made by Council officers, please visit (look for 8 July 2015 Agenda).

Thank you for such an overwhelming and passionate response! It has been pleasing to see the level of interest within our community when discussing pets and the treatment of lost cats and dogs. A total of 1944 surveys were completed within the 2 month consultation period (1522 surveys in printed format + 422 online) and over 90 people attended the Open Day and Presentation on 8 March 2015.

CONTINUE YOUR SUPPORT: If you’d like to adopt an animal from our shelter, donate some food or volunteer some dog walking or cat cuddling hours please visit or call (02) 4868-1520.