
Arts and Culture Survey 2020

28 September 2020

The Southern Highlands Arts and Culture Stakeholder Group in association with The SHAC has commissioned research into the value of arts, culture and heritage across the Wingecarribee community. This initiative is supported with funding from Wingecarribee Shire Council, the Southern Highlands Chamber of Commerce and Southern Highlands Foundation.

A survey has been developed to gather data and insights from practitioners, producers and presenters; makers and those who participate and engage in the cultural life of Wingecarribee and beyond.

Your response is extremely valuable to create a knowledge base from the Wingecarribee community and will contribute to developing a more vibrant local arts and cultural sector. The survey will be analysed by the researcher and also be available to the Arts and Culture Stakeholder Group for future planning and advocacy.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will close Friday 30 October 2020.

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