Bowral South New Living Area

The Bowral South New Living Area (NLA) is one of the six new living areas strategically identified in our Local Housing Strategy, which was adopted in July 2021. It is now time to implement the strategy by preparing a Master Plan and Servicing Strategy for infrastructure, using the funding received from the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).

Council is committed to making provisions for a diversity of housing that caters to the needs of our community at different stages of life. The housing shortage across the State and across our rural Shire requires careful long-term strategic planning, well-considered design and community consensus for moving forward. Below is a map showing the boundaries of the Bowral South NLA.

Bowral South NLA gives us a chance to create a small village centre to serve Bowral South, East Bowral, Burradoo residents and beyond; and provide a variety of new dwellings, public parks and local amenities to meet the needs of the existing and new community. It also provides an opportunity to open the riverfront for public open space.

The Master Plan will form the basis of site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP), to ensure that new development is in keeping with community’s expectations and respects local character. The Servicing Strategy will identify the necessary infrastructure upgrades as the area develops and a funding mechanism to coordinate the delivery of all infrastructure equitably.

Council is currently working with design and engineering consultants to understand the opportunities and constraints of the site. Technical due diligence investigations and a commercial analysis will inform where a small village centre, open spaces and new homes can be best sited together, to serve our local and growing communtiy.

Want to have a say on the future of Bowral South New Living Area?

  • View the Draft Master Plan options and read through the Urban Design Principles and supporting documentation in the Document Library
  • Subscribe to the Participate Wingecarribee page to remain informed about relevant project pages
  • Share your feedback via a short online survey below or you can make a comment on the right side of this page through the ‘Share Your Thoughts’ activity
  • If you would like to provide any additional written submissions, please forward them onto the Strategic Outcomes team via

Note: All information will be recorded and some private details including name and address may be shared publicly in the report to Council addressing submissions received. A copy of your submission will be attached to the report to Council on the consultations undertaken for this project.

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