
Feedback sought for bushfire response review

22 June 2021

At the Council meeting held on 12 May 2021, Mr Viv May requested a review of Council’s response to the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires.

The review will examine Wingecarribee Shire Council’s response to the immediate emergency as well as the short and long-term bushfire recovery support offered.

Feedback is sought from anyone impacted by the bushfires, whether in a personal, work, voluntary or community capacity.

We’re offering a number of opportunities to provide feedback and share your experience:

Community listening online events:

Online feedback form / survey to be completed here by (7pm Friday 9 July) 9am Monday 12 July 2021 (extended).

The review will specifically focus on Council’s:

  • response to the immediate bushfire emergency, including coordination of Local Emergency Management Committee
  • provision of immediate support and information for bushfire impacted residents, including Council’s Mayoral Relief Fund
  • management of short-term recovery needs, including set up, participation in and effectiveness of local and regional recovery committees
  • development of recovery plans and implementation of actions
  • approach to seeking and utilising bushfire response and recovery funding offered by Federal and State Government

Note: The review is being undertaken to examine Wingecarribee Shire Council’s response to and recovery from the bushfires. It is not to examine emergency service responses or the State Government’s recovery arrangements.

Recovery takes time and is different for everyone. We are all affected by disasters in our own personal way. Having someone to listen to and support you through this is very important. Check in on your friends and neighbours, and if you or someone you know needs help, reach out.

The following are free services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:

Mental Health Line – 1800 011 511

Lifeline Bushfire Recovery - 13 43 57

Mensline - 1300 789 978

Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800

Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636

ReFrame/You in Mind – 0455 104 104

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger call 000.