
Public exhibition of Draft Casburn Park Masterplan

20 January 2021

You're invited to take a look at the masterplan which was drafted following extensive consultation with the Wingello community and stakeholders.

Background research, detailed site investigation and consultation was completed late 2020 as outlined in the draft masterplan and report considered by Council on 9 December. We're now seeking further feedback on the draft masterplan while it is on public exhibition.

The draft Casburn Park Masterplan encompasses the vision and requirements of our community, stakeholders and the Council.

VISION: Casburn Park will become a welcoming and inclusive meeting place that supports village activities through the provision of multi-functional spaces that promote social interaction and play in a safe parkland setting.

The purpose of the Draft Masterplan is to set a clear and concise plan for the redevelopment of Casburn Park in its entirety. It also sets out staged works providing clear priorities and sequence in delivering:

  • A park that is safe and welcoming;
  • A park that promotes social interaction and fun;
  • A park that is well connected and accessible;
  • A park that is relaxing and green; and
  • A park that celebrates the village narrative and character.

Did we get it right?

Have your say on the draft Masterplan by 9am Wednesday 24 February 2021.