We have an exciting new upgrade planned for David Wood Playing Fields Playspace in East Bowral which will be funded by Wingecarribee Shire Council, in partnership with local community group The 4K who strive to provide a significantly better environment within the Southern Highlands of NSW for kids with special needs.

Also contributing to this project is the Retford Park Voluntary Planning Agreement, which consists of $200,000 to assist in the 'embellishment of David Wood Playing Fields and playground improvement'.

Council has engaged Creative Recreation Solutions to prepare a draft concept design for the new and improved playspace which we would now like to share with you. The design has been prepared such that it does not impact on the area that is currently subject to an agreement for lease. If the lease is to be surrendered, this could create the potential for additional stage(s) to the project including a pump track, carpark and additional park furniture & landscaping.

The draft design is to essentially form a masterplan that will allow Council to undertake works without fear of compromising future potential of the space.

This proposed design provides a unique outdoor play space and recreational facility for the whole family to enjoy. Located in a central location, the new adventure playground is specifically designed to provide a wide range of play opportunities that cater for all ages and abilities.

The design also includes new formal picnic facilities as well as semi-mature tree plantings.

Central to the play space is the impressive Tree Top Tower, standing over 6m tall and is destined to attract attention from passers-by.

Given the magnitude of the proposed works, the project has been broken into seven stages. This will allow for implementation as funding allows. The seven stages do not necessarily need to be delivered in this order.

  • Stage 1 – Main playspace area
  • Stage 2 – Learn to ride & ninja warrior course
  • Stage 3 – Park furniture
  • Stage 4 – Flying Fox
  • Stage 5 – Upgrade of old tennis court to multi-purpose facility (example being Rage Cage)
  • Stage 6 – Nature trail through the reserve to the north
  • Stage 7 – Replace existing play equipment with fitness equipment

Both the concept design and a list of proposed equipment can be found in the Document Library.

We would now like help from the community to ensure the draft concept design for the inclusive adventure park meets the needs of residents and children. By completing the online form, you can share what elements of the design you like and what elements you may have concerns about.

Learn more and have your say:

  • The draft concept design along with a list of proposed equipment can be viewed online in the Document Library, or in printed format at the Civic Centre and Council libraries.
  • Visit our Drop in Session, Wednesday 12 October 2022 from 3 pm to 4.30 pm, located at the David Wood Playing Fields.
  • To make a submission, complete an online form (3 questions), email or write to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale 2577.
  • All submissions must be received by 4.30 pm Friday 14 October 2022.
  • Ask a question or contact the Assets Team by email or on 02 4868 0888.

We'd like to thank those who have provided their feedback. We've listened, and the What we heard report is now available.

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Total Votes: 1