
Proposed Dedication as Public Road - Sproules Lane, Glenquarry

2 November 2021

Proposed Dedication Under Section 16 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW)

Wingecarribee Shire Council (Council) hereby gives you Notice that after the expiry of twenty eight (28) days from the date of this Notice, it intends pursuant to section 16 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) to dedicate the following land as a public road by publishing a notice to that effect in the New South Wales Government Gazette:

Parish – Yarrunga; County - Camden

LGA – Wingecarribee

All of the land in Lot 1 Deposited Plan 1277462 situated at Sproules Lane, Glenquarry in the State of New South Wales as shown in aerial map and plan.

According to searches obtained by Council, the land intended to be dedicated as public road was set aside for the purposes of a road left in a subdivision of land effected before 1 January 1907 or in a plan of subdivision that was registered by the Registrar-General before 1 January 1920.

Pursuant to section 17(2) of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW), the owner of the land may, in accordance with the rules of court, apply to the Land and Environment Court for a declaration that the land should not be dedicated as public road. Such application must be made within twenty eight (28) days of the date of this Notice.

Details of the proposal can be viewed online in the Document Library or a printed version can be read at libraries and the Civic Centre.

Any queries with respect to this Notice should be directed to Council at PO Box 141 Moss Vale 2577, by email to or by telephoning Property Services on 4868 0888.

Date of Notice: Wednesday, 3 November 2021