
Proposed Lease - SoHi Hospitality Group Pty Ltd, 'Leased Space' Renwick Community Centre, 55 Renwick Drive, Renwick

2 November 2022

Council has formally resolved to consider granting a Lease to SoHi Hospitality Group Pty Ltd, for their occupation of the ‘Leased Space’ Renwick Community Centre, 55 Renwick Drive, Mittagong for an initial term of five (5) years (with a five (5) year option to renew).

In accordance with Sections 47 (1) and (2) of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given, that Council is considering the issue of a five (5) year Lease (with a five (5) year option to renew) over ‘Leased Space’ Renwick Community Centre, 55 Renwick Drive, Mittagong.

All interested persons are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal to the General Manager, Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141 Moss Vale NSW 2577 or email within twenty eight (28) days of the date of this advertisement.

Please note that under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, such submissions may be referred to third parties for consideration.

Once the submission period is completed, Council will consider all duly made submissions before deciding whether to continue with the issue of a Lease.

Please Note: If any objection is raised during the public exhibition period a final report will be taken back to Council for determination. But if no objection is received during the public exhibition period, the General Manager and Administrator have been delegated authority to finalise the Lease.

Details of the proposal can be viewed online by viewing the below links or a printed version can be read at libraries and the Civic Centre.

Submissions can be made by email, post or the online submission form.

Enquiries: Council Property Team 02 4868 0888

Submissions close: 4:30pm, Friday, 2 December 2022.

Council Reference: PN 1828910

Date of notice: 4 November 2022.