
Proposed Return & Earn Reverse Vending Machine - Bowral Pool Car Park

9 September 2021

Council has received a proposal from TOMRA Cleanaway for the installation of a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) at the above Council property.

The NSW State Government has introduced a container deposit scheme to reduce littering across NSW. People can return eligible drink containers and earn 10 cents per container at qualified collection points.

The RVM kiosk has four (4) reverse vending machines. Two (2) for glass and two (2) for light weight materials. The dimensions of the RVM kiosk is 7m (long) x 5m (wide) x 2.4m (high).

Frequently asked questions

Cleaning of Kiosk Area

TOMRA will clean the kiosk in line with usage, with a minimum of daily cleaning by specialist contracted cleaners. This includes bin emptying, and removal of loose waste and general kiosk clean-ups. In addition, there will be two 240L bins located at the kiosk for the removal of plastic bags and the like.

Operational issues

TOMRA will remotely monitor the kiosk and will proactively take action when needed. Filling levels are monitored online, with vehicles deployed to service sites when they are almost full.

Security and Monitoring

CCTV video surveillance cameras will be installed on site to monitor illegal dumping.

As your property is located in the vicinity of the Council property, we are writing to inform you of the proposal and seek your feedback.

Attached are details of the proposal together with an aerial of the Council property indicating the proposed location of the RVM kiosk.

You are invited to provide any comments you have on the above proposal to Council by Friday 8 October 2021. Feedback may be provided by email: or by writing to Property Services, Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577.

Following public exhibition a report will be presented to a future meeting of Council for decision on the proposal.

Click here to view Site Placement Images of the proposal.