
Church Road Oval Playspace, Moss Vale

18 November 2021


The Church Road Oval Playspace is located at a popular sports park utilised year-round for soccer. The equipment is ageing with certain equipment removed due to safety concerns and has effectively reached the end of useful life. Also not ideally located as it is near the parking area and 150 meters from the sports amenities building and main spectator area. Council is currently constructing an extension to the amenities building which includes public toilet facilities, accessible toilet and a formal access parking area at Wembley Road.

Moss Vale's Church Road Oval Playspace was nominated by our community as a priority project when the Playspace Strategy was adopted in October 2020.

Following extensive community consultation with both the Soccer Club and the local preschool along with other members of the community, the Church Road Oval Playspace design is now complete.

To view the playground design click here.

The new Church Road Oval Playspace is proposed to be located in near proximity to the sports amenities building with pathways linking to the public toilets and accessible parking. The proposed design includes an inviting and colourful playground with both formal and informal play elements serving multiple age groups. The play area is made safe through a combination of rubber and natural softfall, is located at a safe distance from the playing fields (run out zones) and is accessible with circuit pathway surrounding. An accessible picnic table with shade structure overhead is included, as well as plenty of shade trees. Park signage and other soft landscape plantings round out the design and increase aesthetic appeal.

How you can help us:

  • Help decide which play equipment style option should be used- show your preference here
  • Feel free to give us your feedback regarding the playspace designs using the feedback tab above or clicking here.

Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan has identified parks and sportsgrounds as a key area for improvement, noting community feedback that Council’s open space areas lack accessible paths of travel, limited shade and seating and more inclusive playground equipment. Council’s Playspace Strategy supports this and was developed in line with NSW Everyone Can Play Guidelines.