
Community Engagement - 7 December 2021

19 November 2021

Now that the COVID restrictions have slightly eased, we are looking forward to engaging with the community in an interactive community engagement session, organised on 7 December 2021, at the Community Technology Centre (CTC), in Robertson.

The consultation will be divided into two parts, starting with an outdoor ‘Place Audit walk’, around the town at 2pm, for about 45 minutes. Please ensure that you wear comfortable clothing and shoes for walking. If the weather is not favourable, the walk will be cancelled. If you wish to attend the ‘Place Audit walk’, please make a booking on the link:

The second part of the consultation will be an interactive session in the CTC, which will be facilitate by the Council staff. Please make a separate booking on the link:

Please follow the COVID safe requirements for the event, detailed out in the links above. Entry will be allowed to registered participants only. Please note the bookings will close on Friday, 3 December 2021, at 4.30pm.